Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
We are heavily involved in Sonlight Christian Mission, in Gonaives Haiti, with representation on the board. Sonlight Christian Mission provides a church, a school of almost 300 students, and a medical clinic to the people of Gonaives. By educating the children of Haiti, and teaching them about Jesus, they become a beacon of hope for the Haitian people. Check out what God is doing at Sonlight. www.sonlightchristianmission.com

Bethany supports and participates with CAYA (Come As You Are - Serving those in need and changing lives with the Gospel of Jesus), a local food bank in Paulding County. CAYA helps to provide housing, food, services, and resources to the families of Paulding County. Check out what God is doing at CAYA. www.cayaministries.com

Bethany is able to provide some sponsorship to Truth In Nature. Truth in Nature is an outdoor ministry that exists to Reach, Inspire, Support, and Engage young men from fatherless, single-parent homes.
Their goal is to help boys understand their purpose as Christian men and to help break the fatherless cycle in local communities across our nation. Please visit their website to see how you could help. www.truthinnature.org
Their goal is to help boys understand their purpose as Christian men and to help break the fatherless cycle in local communities across our nation. Please visit their website to see how you could help. www.truthinnature.org

Bethany is blessed to support the Paulding Child Advocacy Center. The Paulding Child Advocacy Center (PCAC) provides a neutral environment to talk with children. Their home-like setting allows children involved in abuse investigations to be interviewed by trained professionals in a friendly and comfortable environment. They assist in the coordination of investigations so that the various involved agencies work together for the best outcome.

Bethany is blessed to be a part of The Anchor At Bethany. The Anchor at Bethany is a clothing ministry for children of families in need in Paulding County. We also accept new and gently used clothing. Appointments required.

Bethany is blessed to be a part of The Backpack Buddies. The Backpack Buddies is an outreach ministry designed to provide breakfast / lunch / snacks for children over the weekends. We currently partner with a local elementary school.