How it all started...
Bethany began in 1853 in a small brush arbor in central Paulding County, Ga., meeting once a quarter, along with a series of traveling churches. Over the years, Bethany has seen many changes, not only in the community around her, but in the people that make up Bethany.
Now, Bethany is a large growing church that cares about the souls of those we do life with.
We are a Jesus Church. A small tribe of His followers connected by our common faith and a deep desire to see our community, and the world, come to know His power and beauty. We are not perfect, But Jesus is. And here, you will find Him! You will find Him in the hug of a friend. You will find Him in the smiles of the people. You will find Him in the care and love you will experience, not only when you are here, but when you see us outside of these walls.
Now, Bethany is a large growing church that cares about the souls of those we do life with.
We are a Jesus Church. A small tribe of His followers connected by our common faith and a deep desire to see our community, and the world, come to know His power and beauty. We are not perfect, But Jesus is. And here, you will find Him! You will find Him in the hug of a friend. You will find Him in the smiles of the people. You will find Him in the care and love you will experience, not only when you are here, but when you see us outside of these walls.

Expanding the vision...
Bethany is involved in many organizations outside the walls of the church building.
We are heavily involved in Sonlight Christian Mission, in Gonaives Haiti, with representation on the board. Sonlight Christian Mission provides a church, a school of almost 300 students, a medical clinic, and many other ministries for the people of Gonaives. By educating the children of Haiti, and teaching them about Jesus, they become a beacon of hope for the Haitian people. Check out what God is doing at Sonlight.
Bethany supports and participates with CAYA (Come As You Are - Serving those in need and changing lives with the Gospel of Jesus), a local food bank in Paulding County. CAYA helps to provide housing, food, services, and resources to the families of Paulding County.
Bethany has been a long time supporter and partner with Woodland Christian Camp, in Temple, Ga. Since 1969 young and old, alike, have attended summer camp, and retreats at Woodland, where they learn more about Jesus and how they can look like Him.
It is the vision of Bethany to ENGAGE, people where they are, EQUIP them to be the salt and light of the world, and to EMPOWER them to be disciples who go and make more disciples.
Check out our Vision and Missions page for more information.
We are heavily involved in Sonlight Christian Mission, in Gonaives Haiti, with representation on the board. Sonlight Christian Mission provides a church, a school of almost 300 students, a medical clinic, and many other ministries for the people of Gonaives. By educating the children of Haiti, and teaching them about Jesus, they become a beacon of hope for the Haitian people. Check out what God is doing at Sonlight.
Bethany supports and participates with CAYA (Come As You Are - Serving those in need and changing lives with the Gospel of Jesus), a local food bank in Paulding County. CAYA helps to provide housing, food, services, and resources to the families of Paulding County.
Bethany has been a long time supporter and partner with Woodland Christian Camp, in Temple, Ga. Since 1969 young and old, alike, have attended summer camp, and retreats at Woodland, where they learn more about Jesus and how they can look like Him.
It is the vision of Bethany to ENGAGE, people where they are, EQUIP them to be the salt and light of the world, and to EMPOWER them to be disciples who go and make more disciples.
Check out our Vision and Missions page for more information.
Where we are headed...
As we continue to follow God's direction, only He knows where we are headed... We continue to grow, spiritually, and in maturity. That is our goal. The numbers...? Well, that's up to God. We believe that if we lift Him up, He will draw all men to Himself. We have a heart for the lost, and a passion to see them come to the saving knowledge (Head and Heart knowledge) of Jesus Christ. We want people to not only know of Him, but to personally KNOW Him. It's not about a religion - It's about a relationship with Jesus Christ.
God has blessed this body of believers for many years, and we know He will continue to bless us. Come and be a part of what God is doing in Paulding County and throughout the world.
God has blessed this body of believers for many years, and we know He will continue to bless us. Come and be a part of what God is doing in Paulding County and throughout the world.

Be a part of our story...
Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together a 10:30 am